December 27, 2008

December 24, 2008

Season's Greetings from A Journey Round My Skull

This post now resides on my other site 50 Watts:

December 22, 2008

Jean-Michel Folon's Metamorphosis

This post now resides on my other site 50 Watts:

Bruno Schulz, The Book

This post now resides on my other site 50 Watts:

December 21, 2008

A look at the history of human-whale conflict

Journey to the Orient by Gérard de Nerval first US edition, book cover, 1972
Journey to the Orient by Gérard de Nerval
First US edition, New York University Press, 1972

I've been spending way too much time rooting around for books online. I can't vouch for all of these, but maybe you can.

This list comes from an Amazon customer review. Each bullet describes a story from an anthology of Australian science-fiction:
  • VR sex suit rpg game action AI autonomy.
  • Vegetable methuselah's Kal-Elesque odyssey, and brief Phoenix rising.
  • Researching anonymous fax.
  • An enhanced policeman gets entangled in a billionaire's bizarre Dr Moreau creations as art and save the child schemes.
  • A look at the history of human-whale conflict, interesting background to Greatwinter.
  • Starship reality tv first contact special episode.
  • Australia decides it has had enough of how it has been treated, and decides to slough off the rubbish it is coated with.
  • Blasted corpse is a memory problem.
  • Microchip's messianic murder complex.
  • Historical invention history work.
  • Long space exploration voyages and religion don't mix.
  • Escort is diversion from ecology horrors.
  • Time diving topology.
  • Author's spectral nazi confab.
  • Bomber's babe diversion causes nuclear truck turnaround.
  • Schizoid dream delving blind fighter breakthrough.
  • Buggered robot's Lagrangian manoeuvre.
  • Kleptochick's Melbourne.
  • Seduced by stiff with fangs.
  • Dimorphic dinodancers.
  • Terminal type's star turn.
  • AI Space Odyssey gets an extra.
  • Generation ship group dysfunction.
  • Suprise revival's stringent society shock.
  • Numerology nutcase.
  • Arty androids are revolution cover.
  • Psycholobot's a bit we
  • Pilot handling starflight stressful to the subconscious helps hunted mutant's sentient spacecraft.
  • Crash Jordan belched. First line. That sets the tone. A Flash Gordon spoof. Sixty years after being a 'planet-saving superhero' he has to attend a function with his now equally-aged and no longer super-babe wife, and to cap it off, his arch-enemy Thing the Fiendish is being release.

s. b. hough, mission in guemo, a walker mystery, book cover
Mission in Guemo by S. B. Hough

marguerite duras, sailor from gibraltar, Jeanne Moreau
The Sailor from Gibraltar by Marguerite Duras
(with Jeanne Moreau, a still from the movie version)
just reprinted by Open Letter

boris vian, knacker's ABC, grove press
The Knacker's ABC by Boris Vian, Evergreen/Grove
to supplement my previous Vian cover roundup

Norwegian edition of Heartsnatcher by Boris Vian
courtesy of Gojia2012

anna kavan, a scarcity of love
Anna Kavan, A Scarcity of Love
I find this image heartbreaking

michel butor, change of heart, paul bacon cover
A Change of Heart by Michel Butor, Paul Bacon cover

phil parks cover for lucius shepard, the last time
phil parks cover for lucius shepard, the last time
(I have no idea what this is)

octave mirbeau, torture garden, 1955
Octave Mirbeau, Torture Garden
insane 1955 pulp edition

michaux by malcolm bowie
Henri Michaux by Malcolm Bowie
Michaux's art on the jacket

desnos, the voice
The Voice - Selected Poems of Robert Desnos

arrabal, burial of the sardine
Fernando Arrabal, The Burial of the Sardine
early work of fiction, around the time of Baal Babylon

Cary Loren guest post - Monsters Are Inoffensive

This post now resides on my other site 50 Watts: