
February 14, 2010

The thumbtown toad laughed so hard that she burst into fire

This post now resides on my other site 50 Watts:


  1. My god, I'd love to find a copy of this book. Sounds deliciously evil and bizarre. The illustrations are lovely; #4 is reminiscent of Gorey's stuff.

  2. AR:

    I also instantly though of Gorey. I'll be on the lookout for this one.

  3. oh man, WANT! i thought of gorey as well, lol.

  4. Fantastic! i think i will be looking for this one too!!

  5. I love these illustrations; too bad the story is so demented, right? It's strange how sometimes children's books are published that are simply wrong, weird and innappropriate... But then again, look at Brothers Grimm and things like Rumplestiltskin. I know lots of kids that find that story truly disturbing and it's a "classic".

  6. Wonderful Imagery. And maybe I'm a bit 'wrong' (was always intrigued by Rumpelstiltskin and loved Grimm).
    When I was a child I appreciated a story which didn't treat me as though I was dimwitted just because I was a child.
    I liked things which had a bit of an edge. Obviously within reason, but children are much more sophisticated than we give them credit for. I think they can really appreciate good and difficult art.
    I really love these pictures. In fact I really love this blog- it's immense though, will take my time in soaking it all up. Well done. x

  7. My fascination with these somewhat grim kids' books can partially be traced back a book from my childhood, the first Wayne Andersen book, Rat's Magic. (Here's a list of his work.) It is very dark and I spent untold hours with it. It is the only book I still have from my childhood.

    I crack some jokes about these books, but I would have loved them as a kid (love them now), and I do salute the creators and publishers who had the vision to get them made. (My exception however is that Brecht/Grosz kids' book, which just sounds insane ;>)

  8. Any tips where to find The Thumbtown Toad?

    I'd like my daughter to have this. She's a little young now, but this will go well w/ Struwwelpeter, which we also love.

  9. Just the usual places: amazon, abebooks, ebay. It shouldn't be too hard to find.

  10. this blog is like water in a desert of coca cola.
    thank you.
