
May 6, 2009

An Artist's Interpretation of a Flashback

This post now resides on my other site 50 Watts:


  1. Likey why you got a lot of hits.

    Fantastic blog!

  2. Those are wild. I had no idea Masami Teraoka used to do psychedelic biology illustrations.

  3. Anonymous, truly the book has found its home in the universe in dosenation. Thanks!

    Karla, Teraoka's gallery had linked to one of my original posts. I actually didn't know he was so famous. I have a big book of his work now which I hand to guests -- along with Rory Hayes and Poumeyrol -- if I think they can handle it. (Though to be honest I can barely handle Poumeyrol.)

  4. Yeah,I first encountered Teraoka's work sometime in the 1980s and have the Waves and Plagues book. I really like the early work, which I show in Intro to Modern (a foray into the contemporary)... I'm less familiar with his more recent stuff.

    I'm not sure I dare ask who Poumeyrol is.

  5. Thank you for sharing all of these wonderfull pictures from everywhere. You became one of my most precious site to visit. And I'm glad that I'm just at the front door of it, admiring what's inside from a window. You do a beautifull job here.

  6. Karla, I refer to Poumeyrol as "abattoir porn" -- losfeld has some up on his site. I bought the book featured there. Extremely gross but you can't look away.

    singeon, thanks for you very kind note. Glad you found the site.

  7. I looked up Poumeyrol and have to agree with you. Beautifully done, but abattoirs are decidedly not my thing.

  8. After I seeing your posts via Crooked Timber, I immediately ordered a copy of this. It come today.

    Incredible! From my perspective as a historian of biology, the text is just as interesting as the pictures, too. You should post the Noah's Ark from page 838.

  9. Sage, that's awesome.

    I just looked at Noah's Ark. Ha! Everything in this book is filthy.

    There's something a little Soylent Green about the whole thing. I would love to post your comments about the text on the blog. Please email if you're up for it.

  10. The Masami Teraoka link is dead, here's a new one:
