
April 9, 2009

Eye Hazards in the Book Industry

eye hazards in industry
via nypl

Pornografia, Witold Gombrowicz, 1966 calder
Pornografia, Witold Gombrowicz, 1966 Calder. Designer Jerry Cinamon was at one point the Chief Designer of Penguin Books. via Beinecke

the man without a navel
the man without a navel. via nypl.

Witold Gombrowicz, Bakakai, 1968 brazil
Witold Gombrowicz, Bakakai (Bacacay), 1968 Brazil. via beinecke.

Ferdydurke, Witold Gombowicz, 1958 france
Ferdydurke, Witold Gombowicz, 1958 France. via beinecke.

Cosmos, Witold Gombrowicz, 1966 portugal
Cosmos, Witold Gombrowicz, 1966 Portugal. via beinecke.

berners, Le poisson d'or, Lord Berners, cover by Natalia Gontcharova, 1919.jpg
Le poisson d'or, Lord Berners, cover by Natalia Gontcharova, 1919. via beinecke.

cendrars, sutters gold
cendrars, sutters gold. via nypl.

Klaus Ensikat, brecht, 1971
Klaus Ensikat, Brecht, 1971

capek, the first rescue party
capek, the first rescue party. via nypl.


  1. The Berners cover is definitely migraine-inducing.

  2. The Brecht book is a must-have, superb illos plus it came with a very good recording of Brecht's lieder, some performed by Brecht himself. The DDR knew how to do this sort of thing right!
