
January 10, 2013

In the land of dwarfs

BibliOdyssey mentioned this one way back in 2008 but I keep coming across it and had to feature it. The scans are by flickr user Tomasz and the book is called... W Krainie Karzełków, which Google confidently translates as "In the land of dwarfs." I can't find a date. 1940s? And the sig... Ajo?

Book collector Arthur van Kruining cleared up the mystery: "This book is of Dutch origin. The title is DWERGENLAND (1923). "Ajo" was the pseudonym of Henriëtte Fox-Borel. Unfortunately her books are quite rare." Thanks Arthur!

Google translates "Dwergenland" as "Dwarf Country." See more Ajo here.


  1. Hey there, I've been following your blog and 50 Watts for quite some time now. I scrolled down to previous posts tonight and saw you were based in Philly. Well, I live in Philly too, and it's good to know there is someone in this sometimes miserable city who is interested in such beautiful things.

    I was just in an antique and book store on 2nd st. in Old City today. I forget the name of it, and it isn't the Book Trader, but the place to the left of AKA Music, have you been?

  2. Thanks Sasha. I was born ('77) and raised here (Northeast) and plotted my Escape from Philly throughout my teenage years. But since I never left I must like it deep down. You will find some serious aesthetes in the city, though they're probably wearing sweatpants.

    I had visited that store a while ago but had two problems with it: no prices (which annoys me as I'm bad at bargaining) and I feel like I'm going to catch book mites just from browsing.

    I'm excited to visit Port Richmond Books. An Irish guy selling 200,000 books in Port Richmond...who knew.

    1. Yeah, I do end up sneezing after being there for a while. Port Richmond Books looks great. On their site there is a cute little documentary video about the man who started the store, it's very warming.
