
February 11, 2010

Soap Opera Digest

This post now resides on my other site 50 Watts:


  1. LOVE IT!!!
    In my mind, I've added my main man, Monsieur Alfred de Vigny, and his mistress, actress Marie Dorval. Contemporaries of George Sand and Alfred de Musset. In fact, George Sand and Marie Dorval had their own thing going. As you can imagine, Vigny was not a big Sand fan.

    Talk about soap opera...

    ps) Jeanne Duval was also a prostitute... as many boulevard "actresses" were at the time.

  2. The tale behind that second picture is actually dually interesting as the artist was having a similar devotion to his muse when she died and used the Dante / Beatrix story as a reflection of his own feelings. I can't recall the name of the guy though! It was late 1800s...

  3. An education and a delight as always!

  4. Will;

    A MONSTER post! Well-done. Thanks.

  5. Love-glorious and dysfunctional! Great post!

  6. Tremendous, heart-swelling stuff...thank you.

  7. Wonderful, although ran out of steam. We need to hear more about Lafcadio Hearn. Also, why no Lawrence Sterne and Eliza Draper, or, at a minimum, my Uncle Toby and Mrs. Wadman?

  8. ...and the incredible story of Pauline Viardot and Ivan Turgueniev, including the sensual relation with George Sand and Louis Viardot, her husband.
    Pauline was the most magnetic romantic woman.

    Thanks a lot for your blog!!
