
July 29, 2009

Fairy Tales for Work Days and Personal Days

This post now resides on my other site 50 Watts:


  1. Amazing work given how few colours are used. The style is fantastic, too.

    This does sound naive, but I'm always impressed by the richness of art from behind the Iron Curtain.

  2. Maybe the better translantion is Fairy-tales for workdays and for weekends. But thanks for posting these interesting illustrations.

  3. Great stuff. My desktop is choking with so many downloads from your Flickr account..
    I'm waiting for you to dig into the works of various Polish poster artists..

  4. Jon, I've been noticing especially the fine quality of the printing in the 60s/early 70s in Eastern Europe. The scans don't always show off how incredibly deep the colors are.

    Josef, I think that is the better translation. (I will try to refrain from begging you for translations every five minutes.)

    Uland, I did some posts on Eidrigevicius, but I haven't featured Polish poster art because it seems well-covered (well, let's just say "covered") online. I love those artists as you can imagine, and will spend more time researching their book illustration work. (Note to self: find Polish SF covers.)

  5. I have just discovered your blog and I'm falling from one amazement into another. It's food for soul.

  6. My Husband just sent me the link to your blog (which he got from Neat-o-rama). I am a big fan of Kveta Pakovska and have not seen this work before. Thank you!

  7. I am so into this post. I love your blog. More and more and more :-)
