
June 14, 2008

Robert Walser scrapbook

A Journey Round My Skull is now 50 Watts

See the expanded Walser scrapbook on 50 Watts:

Daumal books from Pier Marton

This photo comes from Pier Marton. Pier was one of the first people to send encouragement about this blog (for which I am eternally grateful). He's holding some of his Daumal collection. I've never seen some of those editions.

Pier also recommends A Seventh Man by John Berger, shown below with another Daumal book. In this interview, Berger says if he had to be judged it would be on A Seventh Man. [It seems to now be out-of-print, and there aren't many copies on the web.]

Pier's French friend also suggested Paludes by Andre Gide. I tracked down a translation, which I haven't had a chance to read yet. It's an early work.


BibliOdyssey is PK's gift to humanity. The book version is one of most incredible books in my collection.

Also enjoy PK's Flickr page. A random image from BibliOdyssey:

To Die No More and Blind Pony

Artist, Blind Pony-blogger, and Hans Henny Jahnn-reader Herbert Pfostl now has a book:

"To Die No More is an artist's book about the marvelous embroideries of death taken from many sources both known and long forgotten. 170 fragments - from Aries to Wittgenstein - collected and edited by Herbert Pfostl and Kristofor Minta with splinters by Kristofor Minta, ruins, appropriated by James Walsh, and small paintings of shipwrecks, animals, and ashes by Herbert Pfostl. Made with great care and sober like a good dream. Dedicated to the deeply dead and the truly living. 2oo pages text - 25 color images $30.00"

Alfred Lichtenstein and Mynona

This post now resides on my other site 50 Watts:

Philip K. Dick's Estonian Hamburger

Some entertaining images from the Philip K. Dick cover art archive. Their site description: "Philip K. Dick fans from around the world have contributed to this scanned collection of over 650 PKD book covers. We think you will enjoy seeing the many visual interpretations of his stories presented here."

Baudelaire's bookplate

I discovered Lewis Jaffe's blog Confessions of a Bookplate Junkie this morning, which includes such things as Baudelaire's bookplate. It was fun to scroll through 2 years of posts in an hour.